We missed out on 2 planned BBQ's, had muddy flooding from 2 rains, and basically had to keep the dogs out of the back yard in fear that the yard would somehow get messed up with them back there, pushing the completion back that much further.
After 2 weeks of stress and anger (we let the first one slide), the contractor finally put in more than 1 hour of his time and got the project finished.
Before pictures: This is how everything originally looked. Jim put in temporary paver stone "stairs" so that we could get to the top of the hill, in the event that we needed to. Also, the wall had not been installed yet, so the bottom level was much smaller.
Obviously, the yard was a big thorn in our side. We really wanted to make it more of an outdoor living space. Initially, we were going to hire a contractor to put the wall and stairs in, but Jim decided to take on this project - with a good amount of help from friends and the fathers! For awhile, this was sufficient. But, we began to have a lot of flooding in the back, so much so, that the patio would flood and the grass died. Even if we were able to plant grass, once a big storm came, that was it. And with no grass, we had a huge mud pit to work with - meaning no dogs in the back yard!!
We decided enough is enough. We knew that drainage was needed. Jim and I do not know the first thing about drainage or the options. We were also nervous about hitting wires. So, we decided to let the professionals take over. At the same time, we decided to expand the patio so that we would have more outdoor living space. Lastly, we knew the yard would be dug up, so we decided sod would be a good alternative to watching grass grow! We received quotes and decided to go with a recommendation.
The project included:
1. Address the flooding with irrigation from the right hand side of the new patio, all the way around to the front of the house.
2. Add paver stones in a half circle around the existing slab.
3. Cut down the dead tree at the top of the hill which would have surely fallen on our house (or someone else's!!) in a strong wind storm.
4. Plant sod.
Easy right? I think that any contractor could finish this project in 3 long days or 5 shorter ones. Not our contractor. He managed to stretch the project out to 3 weeks by not showing when he said he would (what excuse is it today???), and when he did show, it would be 1-2 hours. I won't go into too much more, but it was getting to the point that we were ready to bring someone new in.
So, week one consisted of giving our deposit, marking the new patio and taking down the dead tree (which happened to fall into the next door neighbor's fence, taking down 3 rails).
Yard stayed like that for a few days. We wondered if that was that?
Then week 2 came around with the digging of the trench, laying of the drainage and digging out the foundation for the patio addition. The trench ended up needing to be re-dug...
The pattern for the paver patio was also laid out.
And then...nothing. Just when we thought it was time....well, it was done!!! So on Wednesday, July 15 at 8 p.m., we had a usable back yard. This is a little over 3 weeks since we handed over the deposit. Although the dogs can't go out there until the sod takes, we are so happy with it.
Lower-level shots of new patio and new sod! Also, the wall Jim built as well as my pretty flower bed:
Stairs Jim built leading to the top of the hill. Dead tree wood cut up and ready for it's camping trip in 3 weeks! Stone flower bed with no flowers in it yet:
Where the tree used to live as well as what is left of that tree:
View of the lower level from the top of the hill:
Jim telling Mike that the project is finally done!
I don't know that I would want to go through all of this drama again. I think if this ever happened again, I would be more forceful. But we live and we learn, and the guy is coming back this fall to take out the dead tree in the front yard and replace it with a live one!! Let's hope it goes better...
Whats coming up?
Well, we are going to buy a nice little outdoor living room set as well as a fire pit. That will be nice in the fall. We also need to address the top of the hill, which will also come in the fall. We just need to grow some grass up there.
I am so glad that this is all done. Now I can focus on my upcoming honeymoon - T minus 9 days!!